5 Alternative Ways To Teach A Dog To Lay Down

5 Alternative Ways To Teach A Dog To Lay Down

If you've ever tried to teach your dog the "down" command, you know it can be a bit of a challenge. Some dogs pick it up quickly, while others need a little extra encouragement. If you're feeling stuck, here are 5 alternative methods you can try to teach your furry friend to lay down:

1. The Luring Method 


This method involves using a treat to lure your dog into the down position. Hold a treat in your hand, and slowly move it down towards the ground while saying the command "down." As your dog follows the treat down, gently push their shoulders until they're in the laying down position. Once they're down, give them the treat and lots of praise!

2. The Targeting Method 


This method involves teaching your dog to touch their nose to a target, like a toy or a treat. First, hold the target in your hand and say the command "touch." When your dog touches the target, give them a treat and lots of praise. Next, hold the target a few inches above the ground and say the command "down." When your dog touches the target and lays down, give them a treat and lots of praise.

3. The Shaping Method 


This method involves reinforcing small steps towards the final behavior. For example, you could start by reinforcing your dog for sitting, then reinforcing them for sitting and lowering their head, then reinforcing them for sitting and lowering their head and placing a paw on the ground, and so on until they're in the down position.


4. The Capturing Method 

This method involves waiting for your dog to offer the behavior on their own and reinforcing it. For example, if your dog naturally likes to lay down and relax, you can simply wait for them to do so and say the command "down" while they're in the position. When they lay down in the future, give them a treat and lots of praise.

5. The Back Chaining Method 

This method involves teaching the final behavior first and working backwards. For example, you could start by reinforcing your dog for laying down and then reinforcing them for getting into the down position from a standing position, then reinforcing them for getting into the down position from a sitting position, and so on.

Like always you can find all treats & supplies needed on our online pet store at www.caninesworld.com/ & there you have it! 5 alternative methods for teaching your dog to lay down. Don't be afraid to try different techniques and see what works best for your furry friend. With a little patience and lots of treats, you'll have a well-trained dog in no time!

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